
I was in junior high school.
It was the rebel thing.

My parents wanted me to...
...get real educated and
become a doctor or something.

So naturally I wanted
to be a rock-and-roller.

Dude, you like to practice?
My dad would've loved having you
in the family. He had to force us.

We never wanted to.
If I'd have been in your family,
then I'd be a doctor.

You want to get something to eat?
Okay. I want pizza.
You going to eat it all?
Watch me.
I can eat a whole medium pizza.
I love pizza.
I can see that.
It cracks me up when they ask me
my diet and exercise secrets. Like:

"How do you keep that trim figure?
Girls want to know."

"I eat medium pizzas by myself with
lots of pepperoni. That's important.

"And I drink Cokes and scarf Doritos
and never exercise."

You are too much.
What're you doing?
-Hot sauce.
-That is enough.

They can't make food hot enough for me.
You are going to be sorry.
Watch this.
That was good.
I need soda.
You are so tough.
You are so strong.
-What a macho man.
-Want some?

You sure?
A little bit.
You must have half of my pizza.
