At the end of the day!
Number One! Can you believe it?!
After all these years,
all of a sudden, bang!
That's how it is, I tell you. You start
from here, then it's like a bullet.
A.B.'s really smart.
He really knows his cumbia rhythms.
He adds a little funk and disco.
Then you sing the heck out of it.
A little heavy metal
till the guitar breaks.
I can do that.
Dude, I was just thinking.
I've never seen you dance.
Do you dance?
Yeah, I dance.
I put on my white shoes and black jacket
and dance like Travolta.
Yeah, we can dance to this.
Let me see you dance.
I was just kidding.
Come on, let me see you dance.
Don't be shy.
I won't tell anyone
that you weren't being cool.
You started it!
I'll be making a pit stop
in about five more minutes.
-Follow me.
-Give me a little James Brown.
I got soul.
Do you?
-You banged me.
-I'm sorry.
Come on, this is a cumbia rhythm.
I've never seen you dance--
I don't think we should be doing this.
I'm not sure we should either.