- Stop, or I'll shoot!
- Hands up!
No, you don't understand!
I'm Austrian ! I'm a cllmber!
I have nothing to do
with your silly war!
I can walk myself.
This is an insult!
You think you have the last word,
but you don't!
Pigs! All of you, pigs!
October 15, 1939.
Reaching prison camp,
I make a promise to myself.
I will be lying beside lngrid before
the summer solstice of the new year.
The Hlmalayas are right in front of us.
It will be easy to escape
and get lost in them.
My fourth escape attempt
brings me no closer to my goal.
How far did you get this time?
All I have achieved is a certaln
dubious celebrity among the prisoners.