Dear Heinrlch:
Please sign the enclosed dlvorce papers
and send them to my lawyer.
Horst and I intend to be married
as soon as the divorce is flnalized.
As for your letter, yes.
Your son, Rolf Harrer, was born
while you were climbing the mountain.
He is now two years old
and calls Horst "papa. "
When he is old enough,
I will tell him...
his real father was lost
in the Himalayas.
It seems the kindest thing
to say consldering...
you never wanted the child anyway.
Needless to say,
I have no intention...
of "resolving our differences "
as you suggested.
They were resolved
the moment you left Austria.
I'm sorry you have been
imprisoned ln lndia...
and hope this dreadful war will soon
be over for everyone's sake.