May I impose upon your generous nature
and camp here tonight?
Be my guest.
Thank you.
It is very gracious of you.
- Good.
- What else do you have in there?
A ten-piece orchestra?
By the way, I heard
the Japanese have retreated...
all the way back to Shanghai so even
if you make it to the Chinese border...
you may have dlfficulty
catchlng up with them.
I don 't care if they're repelled
all the way back to Tokyo.
You should if you want
to get back to Austria.
- But I don't.
- Don't what?
- Plan to go back.
- Why not?
No particular reason.
When you get there, tell my wife...
that two years in prison camp is roughly
equivalent to four years of marriage.
And I'm glad to be free of them both.
I'm not golng back either,
not until this shameful war is over.
- And where are you headed?
- Tibet.
Then on to China.
And you ?
By my calculations, the Chinese border
is 2,058 kilometers away.
Tibet is 68.
It's a long way to travel
with such a heavy load.
No, just full of food.
- Precisely.
- Mine.
That's too bad.
Those mountains are treacherous.
There are glaciers to be crossed.
If you had roped up to me,
I could have kept you alive.
Considering your performance
the last time we roped up...
I think I'm safer without you.