We wanted to apologize.
And give you this really special gift.
Please, from us.
Long live the Dalai Lama,
Hi s Holiness.
Thank you for the picture.
Go back to lndla!
Two days into Tibet 's western frontier
and we are graciously klcked out.
Our guides have strict orders
to escort us...
to the lndian border
some 40 kllometers away...
and to shoot us
if we attempt escape.
Must mean hello.
As long as they don't try to kiss me.
We have to stock up. I'm broke.
Don't look at me.
We have to eat. Peter.
It is not negotiable.
My father gave it to me
when I climbed Mount BI anc.
Everyone's climbed Mount Blanc.
If I had a watch like this,
I would trade it.