You're a seamstress?
I am a tailor, sir,
the only tailor in Lhasa...
who has been to Calcutta and
can reproduce these silly costumes.
So, I pick?
Yes, choose whichever you like.
- And you can make any of these?
- Yes.
- Very good.
- Did you make this?
- Yes.
- Beautiful.
- Th ank you.
- Do you like this?
Whichever you like.
I will have this handsome tweed jacket.
And this pair of sporting
woolen trousers, please.
- Good choice.
- Thanks.
And you, sir?
- Perhaps you could choose for me.
- Thank you.
Please, sir, take off your chu-pa.
I would like to measure.
Stand still, please.
Thls way, please.
- Stand still.
- Sorry.
- No moving, please.
- I'm sorry.
That way, you will never fall.
It's perfect.
Still, walking up mountain s
is a fool's pleasure, Heinrich.
Not so foolish, really.
Look at this.