Sick: The Life & Death of Bob Flanagan, Supermasochist

So I decided my visible Man,
to mirror me,

would have green mucus
coming out of the mouth,

and of course sperm,
'cause coming and coughing

is about the only two things I do
on a consistent basis.

And also shitting--
with Cystic Fibrosis, shit--
bad digestion has been with me
all my life,

and bad runny bowels
is a constant thing,

so I figure my visible Man
should shit all the time.

The next question was,
"What should I use for the fluids? "

So I start with the sperm,
that's the easiest thing to do,

it just comes right out of the bottle.
What better thing for sperm
than White Rain Hair Conditioner?

Let's see.
Just look at it.

That is great come.
I don't come like this,
by the way.

This is wishful thinking on my part.
'Cause when I come,
it's like--

I could masturbate for hours and hours,
and then ejaculate, I think--
I would have an orgasm
and nothing happens.

But then slowly,
an hour later, that's it.

That's the extent of my come.
So I'm a very neat sexy person.
Some guys are like that--
but not me.

So the visible Man
is my wishful other self.

This a come cup and the come pump.
If this was a real cooking show,
I'd have one
already prepared in the oven.

Okay. Let's see him come.
He's gonna pee first.

Don't we all sometimes
make a pee before we come?

It's a constant turn-on-
it's gonna make
some visible Woman very happy someday.

You've got to remember
that the visible Man

is a very sick person,
he's coughing just like me--
he's filled with phlegm--

Now the next step
is the most fun of all.

It took me a year to figure out
how to do this right.

Shit. I want him
to be able to go plop, plop,

all day long, real slowly.
