Sick: The Life & Death of Bob Flanagan, Supermasochist

I was immediately struck by this woman
at first sight.

I guess you could say she connected
with me too-- right off the bat.

You'd hardly recognize me these days.
I'm like an entirely different person,
thanks to Rose.

You know what they say-
'Behind every good man,

there stands a woman
to guide and inspire him.'

I don't know how good I am,
but with the loving hand of Rose

to prod me along
I know I'm bound to get better.

I know you're busy,
so I won't tie you up any longer.

Rose is truly a remarkable woman, Mom.
It looks like I'll be hanging
around here for a long time.

At least for as long as she'll keep me,

Well, I guess I better be going now.
It's almost dinner time.
Rose is just finishing her meal
as I write this,

and she tells me
that she's cooked up something

extra special and delicious just for me.
I can't hardly wait."
For a submissive man,
he's real lucky to have found me.

Because there are so many out there
who have--

maybe not as highly evolved thoughts
about it as Bob did,

but certainly
who have the same kind of yearnings.

Right off the bat,
I showed her I had a pierce in my penis,

and I said I wanted to be
a full-time slave to a woman,

to do everything
she wanted and to wait on her

and have sex in whatever way
she wanted or didn't want.

Sheree thought that was pretty exciting.
She likes the idea--
she's always trying new things.

I would really have to be
very disciplined with him.

If he wasn't allowed
to sit on the furniture--

he was only allowed to sit on the floor-
if he sat on the furniture,
I had to stop and discipline him.

That got to be a chore,
and that's why I don't have dogs.

I don't get turned on
by slamming my hand in a car door.

I don't get turned on
by being treated badly.

But, with the right relationship
and the right context,
