Sick: The Life & Death of Bob Flanagan, Supermasochist

I always thought that was neat.
I never slapped anybody before,

just seen it in movies,
but with Bob, that's what we got into.

So it was sort of fun
to start to slap him.

Didn't want to go by the eye,
didn't want to go too low,

just right here,
in the nice fatty part of the cheek.

Even before I met Bob
I had seen a Japanese movie

called "The Realm of the Senses."
In that movie this woman
gets very turned on with this guy.

They fuck all the time in the movie.
One of the things they do
is she chokes him--

she gets on top of him
and she chokes him with this cord.

I always wanted
to do that to somebody,

never had an opportunity to do that--
but then again, here came Bob.
He'd seen the movie,
we went home that night,

got out the old bathrobe cord,
and we discovered...

that wasn't fake in the movie at all.
Very, very hot thing to do.
Now they call it
things like "breath control"

and stuff like that.
When we were doing it,
it was just good old strangulation.

And the erection that would cause
was amazing,

just unbelievable.
And his orgasms--
even though he didn't come very much,

which was fine with me--
he had incredible orgasms.

To get the idea
of just how far you could go--

not to kill them.
I never wanted to kill him.
That was never my intention.

Bob was always
a wonderful person to experiment with.

He just likes
having all these things done to him.

I learned that piercing is not something
that you just do randomly.

You have to put some thought into it.
You have
to have a little care about sterility.

This is what we call "play piercing"
which means
it's not gonna be a permanent piercing.

I'm gonna pierce right through the skin
underneath the dick.

If he's ready,
I'll see if he has a reaction
