Sick: The Life & Death of Bob Flanagan, Supermasochist

How are you doing?
Did we only give him love
when he was in pain?

- No.
- I don't know.

But then, it was his life--
maybe he saw it that way.
But he was in pain so much at the time,
of course,

maybe that is the way he would see it.
I told him when I read the book, I said,
"You could have killed yourself
with the things you did."

And all these years
we've tried to keep you alive,

and you could have killed yourself.
That's the part that amazes me.
But I see, underneath it all, I see...
a young man, who's...
who hates his body for what it did--
I agree with you on one thing--
he's fighting back.

But I see him
fighting back in a different way.

A trapeze--
a man on the trapeze--

he does this twisting and turning
and he does a tumblesault on the trapeze
and he lands just perfect on his feet.
And when I see him turning,
I get excited.

And I really can feel--
I get scared.
