Soul Food

P.A.: James Dawson,
phone call, line two.

P.A.: James Dawson,
pick up line two.

You have a phone call.
Hey, Lem, I can't believe
you finished that Johnson job.

I didn't expect you
to finish till tomorrow.

Good job.
Thanks a lot, man.
Can you run a 4 1/2 X 9 Carver?
AHMAD: The birth of my baby
sister, Faith arriving--

I can work the Carver.
-You sure?

Who could have guessed things
wouldn't keep getting better?

Good man.
This is where the problem is.

Mama, it's gonna be all right.

Put your sweater on.
I'm not getting my leg cut off.

Lem Harris?
Simuel St. James...
TERl: Mama, you have to.
Chief Executive
of Sales and Marketing.

There's no blood
circulating to that leg.

LEM: What's happening?
SIMUEL: How you doing?
You're diabetic.
I've been hearing good things
about you.

Especially the way you've been
handling those machines.

MAXINE: You haven't been
watching what you eat.

LEM: I'm no stranger
to hard work.

Ha ha.
That's good to know. Cigar?

Nah. I don't like cigars.
MOTHER JOE: Nobody's
cutting off my leg...

Sorry. You don't mind, do you?
and that's that.
Like I was saying,
it's always good to, you know...

have enthusiastic, hard-working
employees like yourself.

HAROME: Last thing you need
is a G-string.

Especially down there
in printing.

I should give him some, right?

I'm no stranger
to hard work myself.

HAROME: Give it to him.
Sock it to him.

JADA: Give it to him good.
BIRD: What y'all talking about?
JADA: The nasty, darling.
I'm like you.
I'm from the hood, too.
BIRD: Come on, we got clients.
But I make $80,000 a year...
Y'all better slow down.
because I was always willing
to sacrifice...

I finished dumping the garbage.

Thank you.
Help me sweep up this hair...

whatever I had to
to get what I wanted.
