Soul Food

Only you can do it.
I need you to--
Big Mama, what's wrong?
I'm sorry.
Big Mama.
The shop
is doing well right now.

I'll pay for our bills.
A lot of people
come through there.

Big Mama.
I'll see if anybody can
hook you up with a job.

NURSE: Son, you'll have
to wait outside.

DOCTOR: It's OK, son.
Bird...l don't need your help.
We'll take good care of her.
I can find my own damn job.
Excuse me.
Stop looking at my dick!
[Indistinct arguing]
P.A.: Dr. Horowitz...
please report
to the nursing station.

DREAD MAN: We had a deal!
We had a contract!

Dr. Horowitz
to the nursing station.

Pay in full! All right? Full!
Should I feel
Pay in full! Money up front!
FAITH: Not right before I go in!
This is so wrong! Hey, Miles.
MILES: You all right?
I'm having the most important
audition in my life...

and this fool is trying
to screw me over.

Should the shadows come
It's about principles.
Business is business.
You know something?
I'm gonna fuck you up,
Dread Man!

And why
Should my heart
Be lonely
Miles, you can help me.
They got a piano
up in the audition room.

And long
MILES: Faith, I don't--
FAITH: Play anything.
I'll dance to it.

For heaven
Come on, cuz, please?
This is really important to me.
And home
I'll owe you.
When Jesus is
My potion
A constant friend
Is he
His eye
Is on
