at Big Mama's.
You up to something.
I carried you for nine months,
went through...
BOTH: ...Twenty three hours,
45 minutes, 10 seconds of labor.
Wiped your little butt...
while your lil' ding-a-ling
pee-peed in my face.
So Mama knows
when you're up to something.
You're trying to get everybody
together for Sunday dinner.
Big Mama wants me to.
It's what she was trying
to tell me before she died.
You liked that last shot?
Oh, man,
that last shot was the bomb.
Flow, you know.
Keep doing like that,
and when you get older...
you're gonna get
a fat contract, right?
-Buy a house. Get me a Lexus.
-A Lexus.
And a fur,
you know what I'm saying?
Guys, that's sounding good,
but I'm still missing a note.
Let's do it again.
MILES: Let's try it again.
Here we go.
One, two, three, four.
I care about you
I'm there for you
So why don't you care
For me
Like I care about you?
MILES: Good, good, better.
Let's take a break, all right?
MAN: Leave the little man
to his business.
I'm glad you could make it,
I'm glad, too.
It's been tough...
with school and working
at the shop afterwards.
And figuring out what to do
with that loot Big Mama left me.
What loot?
-Dead presidents?
-When did she leave it to you?
-Day she died.