Starship Troopers

and so is the perfect
selfless member of society.

But humans have created
art, mathematics...

and interstellar travel.
True. But before you
let that go to your head...

take the example
of the Arachnids...

a highly evolved
insect society.

By human standards,
they are relatively stupid...

but their evolution stretches
over millions of years...

- and now...
- Here, take this.

they can
colonize planets...

by hurling their spore
into space.

Okay, I think we got it.
That's the heart.
And here's the stomach.
Nerves of steel, huh?
Don't think about it.
Just go on instinct.

Try to visualize it.
I see the ace of spades.
You know,
statistically speaking,

you should have accidentally
guessed right by now.

- Try another.
- So my psychic abilities
are zero and I'm unlucky.

No, luck's not a factor.
No one really knows why some people
are sensitive and some aren't.

Who knows? Maybe it's a new
stage of human evolution.

That's why they do these
kind of Federal studies.

What-- Cyrano--
Oh, shit. Time out.

Oh, he just wants
some attention.

You don't play
with him any more.

Go bug Mom, Cyrano.
How do you make him do that?
