Hand me that towel, will you?
Ah, well, we all have
one thing in common.
We were all stupid enough
to sign up for Mobile Infantry.
- Breckinridge, what's your excuse?
- Oh, my family's all farmers.
I hate farming. I mean,
uh, Mobile Infantry--
It's like pure picnic
by comparison.
All right, so they grow 'em big and dumb
on the farm planet, huh?
- And pretty!
- I like big!
- Djana'D, what about you?
- Oh, I'm going in for politics...
and, you know, you gotta be
a citizen for that.
- So here I am.
- Ah, you want some responsibility.
- Yeah.
- Shujimi, come on, let's keep it goin'.
I got into Harvard,
but my father says forget it.
It's gonna cost an arm
and a leg, you know?
So, if I serve,
Federation pays my way.
I want to have babies.
You know, it's a lot easier to
get a licence if you've served.
- So--
- I'm going career.
- Officer's training. All the way.
- Ah!
Future Sky Marshal.
All right, Rico, your turn.
Who asked you to be so nosy?
What? I'm the-the bad guy?
I'm gonna be a writer, you know?
A writer's got
a right to be nosy.
Hey, Flores, you know
Rico from Buenos Aires.
- What's his story?
- Oh, uh,
he's here
because of a girl.
Oh, Rico! Lover boy!
- He's getting me excited.
- He's gonna blow.
Is it you?
This is where we live.
It's not much, but it's home.
Right there, that's my bunk,
where I dream about you every night.
Boot's pretty tough.
Sometimes I think I won't make it.
But then I think about what
you're doing, and I try harder.
- Hey, guys! Do you mind?
- Try harder, baby, try harder!
Who knows? They might even
make me squad leader.
I better pack it in.
Oh, I love you, baby,
I love you!
- Write me!
- I love you so much