dominates this galaxy,
now and always!
Sky Marshal Dienes
announces plans...
for an offensive
against Klendathu...
source of the bug meteor
that destroyed Buenos Aires.
Every day, Federal scientists
are looking for new ways to kill bugs.
Your basic Arachnid warrior
isn't too smart...
but you can
blow off a limb...
and it's still 86 percent
combat effective.
Here's a tip.:Aim for the nerve stem,
and put it down for good.
Everyone's doing their part. Are you?
- Die! Die!
- The war effort needs your effort...
at work, at home,
in your community.
We now break net and take you live...
to Fleet Battle Station Ticonderoga...
deep inside
the Arachnid Quarantine Zone...
where the men and women of the Federal
Armed Services prepare to attack.
D XQ uplink on two, one.
You're on.
No one here in the AQZ
knows exactly...
when the invasion
of Klendathu will occur.
But everyone's
talking about it...
and the talk says tomorrow.
Here's a bunch of MI kids that look
like they could eat bugs for lunch.
- Yum, yum, yum.
- So, trooper,
you're not too worried
about fighting the Arachnids?
Hey, shoot a nuke down a bug hole,
you got a lot of dead bugs.
-Am I right?
- I just hope it's not over
before we get some.
- Okay, come on.
- Some say the bugs were provoked...
by the intrusion of humans
into their natural habitat...
that a "live and let live policy"
is preferable to war with the bugs.
Let me tell you something.
I'm from Buenos Aires,
and I say kill them all!
- Yeah!
- Go on, trooper!
- Yeah!
- Yeah!
- Oh, yeah!
Big bad bugs, huh?
Hey, guys,
we ought to get tattoos.
- Hey, let's all get cut together.
- Yeah.
- What do I want a tattoo for?
- Oh, what?
Your skin's too pretty?
Come on, everybody's doing it.
Johnny Rico.