This won't be like the Navy.
We'll push you to the limit.
Fatigue, frustration, fear.
You're going to be terrified.
- When do we start?
- We already have.
What were the names on the last
three tombstones on your right?
- I don't know. I wasn't looking.
- Guillaume, Gautier, Smith.
Carlos is always looking.
Always paying attention.
Carlos is the master of the survivaI
techniques we will teach you.
For him there are no rules, but you
are a rules follower, aren't you?
- If you say so.
- If you say so.
Carlos is the opposite.
That's what makes it so seductive.
He can kill whomever he chooses.
He can take whatever he chooses.
It is to be, in many ways,
a superman.
If you can learn what we can teach
you, you could be one of them, too.
If you don't,
you're going to be one of them.
Another dead soldier.