The Blackout

Freaks of the light!
Freaks of the light!

Freaks that record our own image.
Freaks that record
our own image, man.

Whoa! All right. All right!
You know,
and that green card, huh?

That green card gets you into the back
room. That red card get you in here.

You sign your waivers at the door.
That blue card gives you access to
the editing and to all the other rooms.

We got four live venues
goin' at all times here, brother.

- Tell us about the gold card!
- The gold card! Well, man!

The gold card gets you in bed.
You're in the picture, brother.

You're in the picture, or sister,
however it comes down.

Gold carder!
I understand what it is,
but do you understand what it is?

That's all I'm trying
to point out.

I understand,
but do you understand?

Isn't that fuckin' simple?
Isn't that fuckin' simple or what?

Am I going nuts here?
So, anyway, in order--

Can we just-- Forget that.
Forget that. It's over.

It doesn't matter
what you think!

I know I fucked up!
I'm saying I fucked up!

How could I listen to you tell me I
didn't fuck up? I fucked up! All right?

- What do you want to do about it?
- How the fuck do I know?

- You think I know?
- That's absurd.

- Hey!
- How you doin', man?

- How'd the film go?
- Which one?

Flavor-of-the-month guy, huh?
