The Blackout

That's very nice.
You don't mind, dude, if I just get one
fuckin' shot of you in those glasses.

Am I live out there?
Am I hooked up back here?

I hope to hell I'm hooked up back here!
Am I hooked up back there?

I can't get out of these French novels!
These French novelists.

These playwrights, these novels.
All right, so, here we are.
Get a close-up.
- Is this camera hooked up?
- Yes!

- Am I live out there?
- Yes!

Nana's almost finished.
Balcony is about to begin.
- Fantasy one, take two.
- That's real. This here is jive.

This is symbolic jive.
Hit it hard. Hit it loud.
Go for it.
