The Blackout

- You're pretty.
- Thank you.

I'm sure everybody
tells you that, huh?

Huh? Yeah. Very, very pretty.
Very nice.

Oh, yeah. Got that spark.
Hey, Matt? Matty?
I got a terrific idea.
Listen, he's wasted.

Come with me.
You wanna smoke a joint?

- Sure. I'll smoke a joint.
- Cool. Let's go.

- Wow! This stuff is cool!
- Fuckin' playground, huh?

What kind of movies
do you do? Wow.

- Good ones. Put this on.
- Put this on.

You said you never wanted
to be an actress, huh?

- Well--
- Sit down.

- I did a play in high school.
- How were ya?

I think I was very, very good.
- How's that?
- You're gonna scare the shit outta him.

- Fuckin' terrific.
- Really?

It's fuckin' great.
- You look just like Annie, baby.
- I am Annie.

You're Annie 2.
There's an Annie 1 .

- Annie 1 ?
- Yeah. Anyway--

- Do I look okay?
- You look fabulous.

You look really good.
- Do you like him a lot?
- Do I like Matty?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

You in love with him, huh?
Maybe. I don't know.
I just met him.

- Okay, go wow him, baby.
- He's gonna like it?

You go wow him, okay?
Knock him dead.
