The Blackout

I say and do things in the dreams...
that I know I wouldn't do,
that I know I'm not capable of doing.

But they're so real
and so vivid that...

they feel as though
I've actually done them.

Can you give me an example
of a dream like that?

What's the last dream you've had
that was upsetting?

That Annie was pregnant...
and I--
that I...
took my hands and...
choked her to death.
So, in your mind
you're a murderer.

Not in my mind.
In my nightmares.

In your nightmares.
If I could just speak to her--
If you could get her to call here--

- She doesn't want to speak to you.
- Why?

I don't know, but it's obvious.
So she's out of your life.

But you're hanging onto
this painful thought.

Not only are you missing her
and feeling the pain of that...

but you're going yourself
one better--

you're telling yourself
that you killed her.

Maybe that's what I want to do.
That's a nice intellectualization.
That way I could get her
out of my life.

If I could just kill the bitch,
then she'd be gone.

You already think you did.
Where are you gonna find Annie?
Is that a question or an answer?
Miami is an answer.
Maybe she's still down there.

What prevents you
from going to Miami?

