GAZ: What?
LOMPER: I seen him go.
DAVE: There's the beggar.
GAZ: Oi, Nathe!
What are you doing
out here, kid?
NATHAN: Nowt--walking home.
It's miles home. you know that.
Why did you run off like that?
you're embarrassed, aren't you?
you think your own dad's
a dickhead.
We're not doing this
for a laugh, you know.
I'm trying to get
some brass together...
so as you and me
can keep seeing each other.
They're trying to stop us,
you see.
Well, I may as well not bother,
except I'm your dad.
That counts for summat,
doesn't it?
I like you.
I love you, you bugger.
All right, kid?
-All right?
GAZ: Nutter.
[Tango music playing]
NATHAN: Well, you said dancing.
GAZ: It were a great idea, kid--
just not
the right sort of dancing.
DAVE: Gaz, hey, look here.
GAZ: Oh, my God.
Gerald, me lad, you're gonna be
famous down Jobclub.
DAVE: He's not bad
for a bastard, is he?
He's dead, that's what he is.