The Ice Storm

- Good night.
- Good night.

- Hey, Mikey ?
- Yeah ?

- Geometry ?
- [ Scoffs ] Sure.
Anything but this English.

How come you're so good
at math but not at English ?

I'm not good at math,
I'm just good at geometry.

It's like, you know
when they say "two squared,"

you think it means
two times two equals four,

but they really mean a square--
it's really space.

It's not numbers, it's space,
and it's perfect space,

but only in your head 'cause
you can't draw a perfect square
in the material world,

but in your mind
you can have perfect space.

You know ?
Yeah. But I just need
some help with my homework.

- Hey, guys. I'm back.
- You were gone ?

[ Laughs ]
Yeah, Mikey. Yup.

I was in Houston working on some
great new ideas about silicon.
It comes from sand.

It's a semiconductor. So,
how you guys doin' ? How's school ?

Um, I don't know.
Okay, I guess.
All right.
[ Sighs ]
