What happened?
I don't know, Dr Kelly.
Please come with me, ma'am.
I've got estimates on
cloud size comin' through on six.
- What have we got?
- N0RAD's got R4 over sector 9877.
It's been localised.
60 degrees longitude, 50 lat.
- What about NPIC?.
- Blast 40 minutes ago in the Urals.
Two trains collided. 0ne was
carrying warheads to Cherbynsk.
Nice hair. Very au naturel.
Nuclear forces have gone to DEFC0N 3.
NMCC thinks Russia will use this to
veil troop movements into Chechnya.
Not our problem.
Estimates from Livermore?
Five to seven hundred kilotons.
Mark Appleton's looking for you.
He's upstairs.