Section 21-A,
Nuclear Disaster Protocol.
One, secure area.
Two, control debris.
evacuate casualties.
[ Speaking Russian ]
[ Chuckles ]
Huh ?
[ Kelly ] But they would have
the technical knowhow...
and should not be ruled out.
And moving on, we come to
Shamil Basayev, a scientist.
He claims responsibility
for having placed...
a canister of radioactive cesium
in a park in Moscow last June,
but his underworld ties suggest he could
be part of a much bigger operation.
Zelimkhan Yandarbiyev,
Chechen leader since the
Russians assassinated Dudayev.
He has threatened to attack
Federation nuclear power plants.
There are other possibles on
our terrorist list,
as outlined in section 4
of your packet.
Our reaction to the crisis
is as follows.
We have initiated
an intelligence directive...
with the Nuclear Smuggling
Group acting as hub.
D.I.A. and N.R.O., heads up.
You'll continue responsibility
for primary SAT imagery--
Excuse me, ma'am. I'm sorry.
I don't mean to interrupt.
- Yes ?
- Um, these terrorists,
have they asked for anything,
a list of demands ?
Russians out of Chechnya ?
That sort of thing ?
No, but it's not unusual
for days, even weeks to go by...
before a claim
of responsibility is made.
- Yeah.
- Air mob command--
Uh, excuse me again, ma'am.
I'm sorry.
Uh, that's a satellite shot of the two
trains just before they collided.
Dr. Kelly, perhaps you should discuss
Special Op possibilities ?
Right. General Garnett has Special
Operations command at full alert.
Excuse me.
Excuse me. I'm sorry
to keep interrupting.
You see these blobs right here
at one-meter resolution ?
Those are people jumping off
the passenger train before it crashes.
Now take a look at that train.
That's the one with the nuke.
Nobody's jumpin' off that.
Why not ?