The Peacemaker

if this Kodoroff guy was on that train
and he's so dead,

who's bouncin' calls to Laina
in Helsinki off some satellite
over southern Russia ?

If that's a secure phone, I need it.
Excuse me, General.

[ Dialing Phone ]
Sir, if a top-ranking
Russian general is involved,

any intel we get from Moscow
is either compromised--

Palkawunic Vertikoff

- Or a flat-out lie.
- You're right.

Dimitri, Tom Devoe.
- What do you want ?
- Are you busy ?

I'm with two women.
Call me back some other time.

How're you guys
holdin' up ?

I think the only virtue is,
people are forgetting Chechnya.

[ Chuckles ] Yeah. Listen, D, I've got
the troop manifest from that train.

Alek Kodoroff got vaporized
out there, did he ?

- Yeah. What a shame.
- Yeah.

So how is it he's calling Laina
from a bird over southern Russian ?

How's he doin' that, D ?
Hey, D,
are you still there ?

You must be wrong
about that, Tom.

Our figures indicate the fallout
should have dissipated by then.

Let me fax you what we've got.
Your number ?

Hold on. Fax number, please.
Hang on.

[ Devoe ]
All right, 0-0-1-7-0-3...

- 5-1-1-6-8.
- Six-eight.

I'm going to hang up now.

Listen, D--
That scared him.
- Is this the fax ?
- Yes, sir.

[ Newscaster ] lnformation
on the nuclear weapon incident...

in Russia's Ural Mountains
is still sketchy at this hour,

but we do have a few new facts
about the magnitude of the disaster.
