SIMON ON TAPE: October 3.
Entering foyer
of Tretiak industries.
Heavy security on elevators.
Guards in uniform.
Heavy security on elevators.
Guards in uniform.
Elevator to vault on 26th floor
requires separate passkey.
Maybe use stairs.
No traffic there.
October 4.
Personal tidbits.
Tretiak's former partner
died suddenly in 1995.
It left Tretiak as sole owner
of a gas and oil empire.
Tretiak's first son killed
in car crash five years ago.
SIMON: Who are you?
SIMON ON TAPE: Vehicle was
driven by younger son Ilya...
now 27.
Wife now lives in Geneva...
following assassination
attempt in 1996.
[Russian accent]
I am...Ivanovanovitch.
SIMON ON TAPE: October 5.
Ilya spent most of today
in Cafe Eldorado...
with bandito buddies.
Gangster rap, coffee,
flirting with teenage girls.
Small firearms in coats.
Machine pistols in cars.
[Speaking Russian]
[Crowd chanting]
[Crowd chanting]