as the description
the Russians gave us...
but he doesn't
sound like an Aussie.
WOMAN: Could be faking it.
X-rays are clear.
He hasn't swallowed
the microchip. Anything?
SIMON: You English with
your chips, your fish and chips.
On the airplane, I had chicken.
WOMAN: Van Gogh theft,
Last year. Same eyes.
INSPECTOR: Different chin.
DRIVER: Halcyon Hotel, guv.
PRIEST: Stand up!
What is your name?!
Answer the question!
What is your name?! Hey!
Lou, the microchip arrived.
I put the dough in your account.
SIMON: Sorry I didn't get back
to you about that diamond.
Moscow's like Dodge City now.
All them greedy Commies have
turned into crazy capitalists.
It's disgusting.
It's made 'em sloppy.
One or two more easy scores
like this last one...
-I top 50 mil, I'm quitting.
-I heard that before.
SIMON: Not from me.
I don't know nuttin'.
You don't believe me?
Try and find me.
-Fuck you, Lou.
-See yourself.