Maybe your agents are stupid.
I think this inspiration would
cost you three million dollars.
TRETIAK: [Chuckles]
SIMON: Why? You will have
the world market in energy.
Cost you a nickel
for every million you make.
His deposit should go--
Hey. It is not for me.
It is for mother Russia.
But you want mother Russia,
too, Mr. Tretiak.
Three million on deposit
in a bank account in Zurich. Agreed?
And... How long to get
your employer's agreement?
I'll ask.
Your offer has inspired her.
I'll do it.
Bank account number in Zurich.
Auf wiedersehen. Bye, sonny.
TRETIAK: Bye-bye.
I really love this guy.
Ha ha ha!
Too bad we have to kill him.
Yeah, too bad.
WOMAN: When the electrochemists
Pons and Fleischman...
announced in 1989...
that they had discovered
cold fusion...
a revolutionary process
of generating energy...
they were at first
acclaimed as geniuses...
and then condemned
as charlatans.
The protocols of cold fusion...
SIMON: What are those? Drugs?