Can you explain
the actual process of fusion...
you know, the theory?
Yes. Oh, there it is.
This is the--the apparatus.
And very simply...
when positively charged
are attracted
to the palladium cathode...
they cram together...
and there are millions of them
inside the cathode...
getting closer and closer,
and then they fuse...
and they create energy
in the form of helium.
WOMAN: But I read somewhere...
that the experiment
couldn't be replicated...
so how do we know it works?
EMMA: We don't.
Not yet.
But if you remember Einstein...
he knew the theory
of relativity to be true...
long before he could prove it.
I mean, he felt the truth.
And, uh, some of us
feel the same way...
about cold fusion...
because it's there.
It's in nature...
the raw, natural power
just waiting to be harnessed.
When we ignite
that cold fusion fire...
I mean, just imagine.
There's more energy
in one cubic mile of seawater...
than in all the known
oil reserves on earth.
I mean, you could drive
your car 55 million miles...
on a gallon of heavy water.
It would be the end
of pollution...
warmth for the whole world.
So why don't I demonstrate
for you...
why other people in the past
have been so unsuccessful?
They used very complex...
SIMON: November 17, 11:30 a.m.
Entering flat
of Dr. Emma Russell.
High Street, Oxford.
No alarms on outer doors.
TAPE: No messages.
SIMON: Shelley Monument.