-Morning, Wanda. Hey, Hartley.
-Morning, Dolores.
Beautiful snow
we're having, eh, Dolores?
Just a flurry.
lt's clear up ahead.
-That's good.
-What's that you got, Bear?
-What do you think?
what you'd call interesting.
You hate it.
l didn't say that.
l could wrap it up,
protect the children.
l could strap it on the roof.
There's an idea!
Give me a break.
lt's for the school bazaar.
Well, it's bizarre.
Come on, Bear,
let's get you out of here.
Go on, Bear,
away from your crazy mother.
That's right. l'll see you,
Wanda. Bye, Hartley.
-So long.
-Take care.
The Ottos always
waited for the bus with Bear.
They're the only parents
who did that...
together like that.
l guess they were
what you might call...
What do you mean
by that, Mrs. Driscoll?
Dolores. No one ever
calls me Mrs. Driscoll.
What do you mean by that,
About the Ottos?
What exactly do you mean
by ''hippies''?