Who did they get for that?
You're angry,
aren't you, Mrs. Otto?
That's why l'm here.
To give your anger a voice.
To be your weapon
against whoever...
caused that bus
to go off the road.
Dolores was doing exactly
what she's done for years.
Besides, the school board's
insurance was minimal,
a few million at most.
The really deep pockets
are in the town...
or the company
that made the bus.
So you think someone else
caused the accident?
Mrs. Otto, there is
no such thing as an accident.
The word doesn't mean anything.
As far as l'm concerned,
somebody somewhere made
a decision to cut a corner.
Some corrupt agency
or corporation...
accounted the cost variance
between a 10-cent bolt...
and a million-dollar
out-of-court settlement.
They decided to sacrifice
a few lives for the difference.
That's what's done, Mrs. Otto.
l've seen it happen
so many times before.
But Dolores said
she hit a patch of ice...
and lost control of the bus.
Mr. Otto, how long has Dolores
been driving that bus?
How many times has she
steered clear of danger?
What happened that morning?
Somebody calculated
ahead of time...
what it would cost
to sacrifice safety.
lt's the darkest, most cynical
thing you can imagine,
but it's absolutely true.
And now, it's up to me...
to ensure moral responsibility
in this society.