The Sweet Hereafter

Have you been waiting long?
Billy, do you have to smoke?
Wendell can smell
if someone's been smoking.

What's all this?
Wendell put some fresh enamel
on that break in the tub.

-l can't have a shower?
-No. Should be dry by now.

When's he getting back?
After the game, l guess.
Oh, the game.
''The Pied Piper of Hamelin.''
''Hamelin town's in Brunswick,
by famous Hanover city.

''The river Weser
deep and wide...

''washes its wall
on the southern side.

''A pleasanter spot
you never spied,

''but when begins my ditty--''
-What's a ditty again?
-lt's like a song.

''Almost 500 years ago,
''to see the townsfolk suffer so
from vermin was a pity.''

-What's vermin again?

''They fought the dogs
and killed the cats...

''and bit the babies
in the cradles...

''and ate the cheeses
out of the vats...

''and licked the soup
from the cooks' own ladles.

''Split open the kegs
of salted sprats,

''made nests inside
men's Sunday hats,

''and even spoiled
the women's chats...

''by drowning their speaking
with shrieking and squeaking...

''in 50 different
sharps and flats.''

Can l sit beside you
on the bus tomorrow?

You sit at the back
to wave at your dad.

l want to sit beside you.
