like berries
waiting to be plucked.
That's the way
l thought of them sometimes.
Like berries?
Like l was putting them
into my big basket,
clearing the hillside
of its children.
Anyway, my next stop was
across from the Bide-A-While,
which is owned and operated
by Risa and Wendell Walker.
Risa had walked
her son Sean across the road,
which was customary.
Sean, he has some kind of
learning disability.
Well, he's behind the rest
of the kids his age in school,
and he's too nervous
to play sports.
Strange little guy.
But you couldn't help
but like him.
Morning, Dolores.
Hi, Risa.
Aren't your feet freezing?
l guess they are.
l want to stay with you.
Sean...go on, honey. Go on.
Come on, Sean, sit next to me.
-ls he OK?
-l don't know.
-No, he's not sick or anything.
Just one of those mornings,
l guess. You know?
Well, l never had
those mornings, myself.
Not so long as l had
my school bus to drive...
not so long
as l had my...kids.