''followed the piper
for their lives.''
l've been wanting to meet you
for a long time.
Not just because of all the good
things l've heard about you.
But because...
well, l'm the guy
who's representing you...
and your mom and dad
and several people in town.
We're trying to generate,
however meager,
some compensation...
for what you've suffered.
At the same time...
to make sure an accident
like this never happens again.
l don't like thinking
about the accident.
l don't even
remember it happening.
lt just makes people
feel sorry for me.
-You hate that.
-What she means--
People can't help it.
They see you
in this wheelchair...
they're going to
feel sorry for you.
l didn't know you...
nor how promising and exciting
your life was before.
Even l feel sorry for you.
What is it that you want me
to do for you?
They work for the people
that we're trying to sue.
See, their job is to
minimize damages,