The Sweet Hereafter

if l represent you as a group.
The Walkers have agreed,
and the Ottos have agreed...

Nicole Burnell's parents.
lt's important that we
initiate proceedings right away.

Things get covered up.
People lie.

That's why we must begin
our investigation quickly,

before the evidence disappears.
-That's what l'm doing--

l know Risa and Wendell Walker.
They wouldn't hire
a goddamn lawyer.

The Ottos,
they wouldn't deal with you.

We're not country bumpkins you
can put the big city hustle on.

You're angry, and you owe it
to yourself to feel that way.

All l'm saying is...
let me direct your rage.
That's my daughter.
Or it may be the police to
tell me they've found her dead.

She's a drug addict.
Why are you telling me this?
Why am l telling you this?
Because we've all
lost our children.

They're dead to us.
They're killing each other
in the streets.

They wander, comatose...
shopping malls.

Something terrible has happened.
lt's taken our children away.

lt's too late.
They're gone.
Collect call from Zoe.
Will you accept the charges?
