The Sweet Hereafter

That's how l remembered it.
But how can l prove that?

Billy Ansell will insist you
were doing 50 miles an hour...

just like you've done every
morning for the past 15 years.

-He knows that? Billy?
-Yes, he does.

-He said that? You asked him?
-l did.

-And he said he'd say that--
-Mrs. Driscoll...

lf Billy does not volunteer
to say so in court,

then l will subpoena him and
oblige him to testify.

But in order to do that,
you have to let me bring a suit
in your name...

charging negligent infliction
of emotional harm.

Because what is so obvious to me
and to other people...

is the sheer magnitude
of your suffering.

-What other people?
-Excuse me?

Who has been talking to you
about what l am feeling?

Who should care about
what l'm feeling?

Dolores, people have to know
about your suffering,

and they won't understand
until l can clear your name,

your good name,
once and for all.

Now, will you let me do this?
Will you let me do my duty?

You heard what Abbott said.
Abbott said the true jury
of a person's peers...

is the people of her town,
Only they, the people who
have known her all her life,
