Mitch Stephens' case is small
compared to some of these guys'.
The way he told me,
all he needs is for you
to say what you saw that day...
driving behind the bus.
l know it's painful, but--
There's lawyers suing lawyers...
because some people
were stupid enough to sign on...
with more than one
of the bastards.
There's people pointing fingers
and making side deals...
dickering over percentages.
lf you two drop the case,
then the others will come
to their senses.
You're good, sensible parents,
you and Mary.
People respect you.
We can't drop the lawsuit.
You know how much
we need the money.
Why? You got the money
from Dolores' insurance.
-We all did.
-That's not enough.
And for the hospital bills
for Nicole.
l'll help you pay for Nicole...
if that's what you're
really talking about.
l'll give you the money
l got for my kids.
That's what we used to do,
Help each other.
'Cause this was a community.
l'm sorry.
-How is Nicole?
-She's resting in her room.
Say hello for me.