''When, lo, as they reached
the mountainside,
''a wondrous portal
opened wide...
''as if a cavern was
suddenly hollowed.
''And the piper advanced,
and the children followed.''
''And when all were in
to the very last...''
''the door in the mountainside
shut fast.''
''Did l say all? No.''
''One was lame...
''and could not dance
the whole of the way.''
Now, Nicole,
if we could continue.
On that morning, was there
a time when you left the house?
And what time
in the morning was this?
About 8:30 in the morning.
Was there anyone waiting
for the bus with you?
l was alone.
My sister Jenny was sick,
and she stayed home that day.
Was there anything unusual
about the driver, Mrs. Driscoll,
or the bus
that particular morning?
Like what? l mean,
l don't remember a lot.
l object to
that form of question.
Note that, please.
Was the bus on time?
And where did you sit
that particular morning?
My usual place--the first seat
on the right side.
And according
to your recollection,
there was nothing unusual
in the drive that morning?
Until the accident?
There was a brown dog that ran
across the road up there.