because I'm 14.
I'll be 15 in June.
Another year after that,
I'll be getting my license.
It's the Roddenberry.
I wish it could fly.
I'm ready to go to another planet.
I'll tell you that much.
Gabriel: Obviously,
someone never grew out of the 1960s.
Y eah. I spent a lot of time
in vans, that's for sure.
We're going to put
a laser beam on the front
so when we're driving
on a foggy day,
we can shoot, like,
a 1,000-foot beam.
My name is Lieutenant Commander
Barbara Adams.
I'm commanding officer
of the U.S.S. Artemis,
which is the Little Rock unit
of the Federation Alliance.
I'm here at the sci-fi
convention in Boston,
where Federation Alliance
has brought some of our things up here.
I've come because a lot of people have
shown a lot of interest in what I did
in going to the trial
in my uniform.
I was selected, summoned for the jury
for the Whitewater trial
in Little Rock, Arkansas.
We've had a lot of curious people
asking about the organization
and also looking into my drawings,
which I do as sort of a hobby.
I studied graphic design,
and I enjoy drawing,
and I also enjoy drawing
the Star Trek people.
One of our charters
in the Federation Alliance
is to perform community service,
and as commanding officer,
I'm the role model for my crew,
and so I felt it was necessary and a
good decision for me to wear my uniform.
For more than a week, everybody's seen
the picture of Barbara Adams...
And each morning, there seemed
to be more and more reporters
because they were waiting to see
if I was going to come in my uniform,
and it got to the point
where there was just a wall
of cameras, tripods, reporters,
and I would literally have
to walk all the way around them
just to get to the door
because they would not move.
It just got ridiculous.
My brother had a picture of her
on our refrigerator for two months
walking out of the courtroom
in Arkansas.
Adams: And one of the newspapers
had reported that every day,
I would walk past the reporters
with a Vulcan-like stoicism.
So, they don't know how close
they actually hit the mark,