That's what you need on a jury
is an open-minded person.
Based on the ideals of Star Trek, yeah,
I think she'd be an asset.
This is what she wants to do.
This is America.
I mean, we should be able to do
what we want to do.
You know, look how we want to
look, say what we want to say.
I think she's a pretty neat lady
to have the guts to, um,
kind of be herself,
even on an important thing
like being a juror.
You can put on a uniform for football
year-round, nobody cares.
Basketball year-round,
nobody cares.
Put on a Star Trek uniform,
people get a case of the giggles.
I don't want my officers to ever
feel ashamed to wear their uniform.
I went to a civic duty.
What we do is community service.
I was performing my civic duty.
I wore my uniform,
just as any other officer
in the military would wear theirs.
I came to meet the stars.
I like to see
a different side of the stars,
the personal side.
DeForest Kelley:
While I was in Florida,
RuthAnn presented me
with this belt buckle
on my 138th birthday.
Now...Now then, every time
I see someone,
they say, you know, "You look
so much younger in person."
The first one that I did, um...
I think was around '72.
Um, I got a call
to come to New Y ork.
They had done
one convention first,
and I think it wasn't
really a convention.
They got together
with about 35 or 40 or 50--
the way I heard the story--
of fans of Star Trek
that just wanted to get together and
talk about the show, which they did.
And they said, "You know,
why don't we put our money together
and rent a hotel ballroom?"
"And talk about
our mutual interest
and show each other
what we have collected so far