And he goes, "Cool."
And walked on.
There was a fan who,
in 1973 in New York,
came up to Jimmy Doohan,
who I was with,
and pulled out a box
that had a hypodermic in it
and asked Jimmy if he could
get a sample of his blood.
A woman...
stood up in one
of the conventions and said,
"What's it feel like
to be beamed?"
20 years later, he was
at a convention in New Y ork,
and the same young man
came up to him with the same box
with the same hypodermic
and said, "Mr. Doohan,
can I get a sample of your blood?"
He was still doing
the same thing 20 years later.
Man: There's one gentleman
who for about, what, 10 years?
Second Man: Almost the whole run.
Almost the whole run of since
the beginning of The Next Generation
has been sending something
in the mail every day to Star Trek.
Every day.
The funny thing is, it has
nothing to do with Star Trek.
He sends us travel brochures,
um...and that's all he sends.
And postcards talking about
where he travels.
Or sometimes, he describes--
Well, look at this one.
We've got a Victoria's Secret
catalog that he sent...
Something about a mission,
a fruit trees
and landscaping catalog,
Caribbean, Hawaii,
Canada, Australia.
He also will sometimes send
postcards talking about
what he had for lunch that day
or what he ate or how many
cups of coffee he drank,
and it's always to Star Trek,
but it's never about Star Trek.
And we always wondered
about this guy.
Who is he? Where is he from?
And why is he sending us these things?
And if you-- Over 10 years, every day,
that's quite a few packages.
Man: OK. Here we go.
Woman: Rolling.
And action, please.
Maybe you didn't read the crew roster,
but my name is Dax, and I'm the new
science officer on this garbage scow,