and then all of a sudden--
Pfft! Nothing.
I didn't hear anything,
and I had no idea
what was happening to her
because I really never saved
her address, right?
8 years later,
I get a letter...
saying, "l do want
to thank you so much
for what you did for me
because I just got
my master's degree
in electronic engineering."
You know, that's...
to me, the best thing
I've ever done in my life,
and it brings
tears to my eyes
every time I even talk
about the story.
Shatner: Over a period
of several years,
we've raised several
hundred thousand dollars
for these 3 charities.
This is what Star Trek does.
Star Trek is part entertainment
and part philosophy,
and this part of Star Trek
goes unnoticed
to most of the public.
I have a question.
Have you thought
about actually talking
to schoolteachers?
I'm a schoolteacher--
and talking to schools
and getting them
to talk to the kids about it?
- Can you help us organize that?
- Sure!
I teach kindergarten,
so sometimes it's a little hard
for them to grasp
the concept of racial diversity
and ethnic diversity,
so if you have a show
like Star Trek
that shows a bunch of different aliens
and a bunch
of different-colored people
and different types of people
all getting along,
it works wonderfully
to illustrate that point.
Star Trek has changed the way
that I teach science,
specifically space science.
By giving children
an immediate frame of reference
that they know of,
that they can get excited about,
it just inspires
their imagination.
This is something
we've been excited about
because it's carried on.
Having Kate Mulgrew portray
the captain on the Voyager...
They feel that it's the first time
that they can sit down as a family
and view a woman
in a leadership role
as a family without having to
carry on a conversation
about who's being victimized
or what does she stand for.
She is so obviously a woman
of authority and strength,
but she's not a witch
with a capital "B," you know?