
I'd probably say split
between Janeway and Kirk.

I like Avery Brooks, too,
but that's because he's cute.

Crosby: Who's your
favorite captain?

Ha ha ha! I am.
I couldn't pick
one captain over another.

The emissary!
The emissary
is different.

You must remember
the emissary.

He is most important,
but to place the others
above the emissary

would not be right.
When I got the job,
everybody said,

"Oh, the Trekkers,
the Trekkies."

Well, in fact,
they're very smart.

One has to be smart
to connect science
with the imagination.

That's what's
really interesting to me--

that a show could have fans
that span and bridge

every sort of

Stephen Hawking
and Mel Brooks

and, you know,
Dr. Marvin Minsky--

who's head of the robotics
department at M.I.T.--

or the Mercury astronauts.
these are lawyers.

These are people who just
really, really enjoy the program.

There's this preconceived notion
that they are

a peculiar bunch of people,
you know?

I don't think I've ever
met anyone--

Star Trek fan or not--
who wasn't peculiar.

I mean, we're all peculiar,
aren't we?

The word "fan" actually is
an abbreviated form of "fanatic,"

and there are some people
who fit that category,

who are the people
who really do need to get a life,

but most fans are pretty normal people
who have a hobby,

who have a sense
of the desire to escape,

and they know it's a show,
and nobody really gets lost
in it, but it's just fun.

Woman: We are the largest ship
in the San Diego area.

We do a lot
of community service.

We go and visit
abused children in hospitals,

and we work fairs,
and we're having

a miniature golf tournament
in two weeks, and--

Dressed as Klingons?
You play miniature golf
dressed as Klingons?

Yes, yes. We're going to donate
the money to charity.

My name is Marc Okrand,
and what I've done

is develop the Klingon language
for Star Trek.
