I said, "Well, what's the matter?
Is he hurt or what?"
They said,
"No. He happens to be wearing
his Star Trek uniform
and his pointed Spock
ears and full makeup,
and I don't think this is
the right attire for him
to wear at school."
It's a Catholic--
It was a Catholic school, too.
They made me come and pick him up,
which I thought was pretty funny
and it took him years
before he really could comprehend
that he wasn't supposed
to go to school like that,
but that's the way life is
when you're 6 years old.
Yeah, I was supposed to be wearing
my plaid pants and tie.
- Another interesting thing that--
- [Telephone Rings]
Oh, for God's sakes!
I'll get that. I'll get that.
Peter, this is the worst time
you could have called!
Go away! OK, bye.
Ha ha ha!
Around this entire section here,
we have my collection
of autographed Star Trek
action figures,
and over here
I have the collection
of the 4 captains.
This Sisko here
might look a bit messy
because I shaved it
with an X-Acto knife
because of his new look
this season
and painted on a goatee
with model paint.
Over here I put up
somewhat of a chart
with my Datas
illustrating the evolution
of the uniforms
in the past few years.
We start out here with Data
in the first/second season
lycra jumpsuit,
which I heard caused
the male actors back problems;
then the third
through seventh season
two-piece uniform,
and then the Generations
jumpsuit version
and now the gray-shouldered
First Contact garbs,
which of course
I am wearing now.
Man: I normally
dress up as Data.
One lady thought that I was Data
and came up to me,
and she had her baby,
and she kept--she was like,
"Will you--Will you
touch my baby?"
I've been asked
to bless people...
One wanted me to sign
the interior of his car--
To marry people...
"Oh, wow! He touched my baby!
He touched my baby!"
Then she runs off
screaming in the halls.
One wanted me to help him
ease his way into death.