
from the film project
that I'm working on,

and it should be noted that this is
only a prototypical version,

and, uh...
The collar on the completed
version will be--

come to about here,
but it's--

She kind of cut short
the collar a bit,

and it will have
shoulder pads,

and it will be all wool.
This has some wool components
and some polyester components,

and overall I think
the first version looks nice.

I've got a friend of mine
that does custom tailoring,

so he does
all my uniforms for me.

I have a dress uniform.
I've got just, like,
a couple of the regular T-shirt tops

and things like that,
and this is one of the jumpsuits.

This is normal attire for me.
We don't feel like we look
any different than anyone else anymore,

because we've been
doing it for so long.

In fact, sometimes after work I'll
be leaving and I'll have my uniform on.

People will be staring
at me, and I'm like,

"What are they staring at me for?"
To me, it's just natural.

Man: I go out a lot of times
in the uniform,

and I find it
a pretty positive thing.

Sometimes I'll get people that--
they'll give me a smile,

they'll say something or give me
a Star Trek Vulcan salute.

I've never had a negative
experience, and I enjoy it.

On a couple of occasions,
I've had people ask me

something about, "Well, how long
are you going to do this?"

Or "Why do you do all this?
Don't you have a life for real?"

And this is part
of my life for real.

Hi, Steve.
How you doing?
All right.
How are you today?

- All right.
- Good.

As long as I'm able to do it,
I'm going to do it.

Doesn't hurt anybody,
makes a lot of people feel good,

and I think that's
sort of the point of things.

Gabriel: I'm going inside now
to some of my favorite stores

to search for new
Star Trek memorabilia,

hard-to-get action figures,
and the like.

You know, I spend around
maybe 300-400 bucks a year

on Star Trek merchandise,
but if I could, I'd spend

a lot more--
about--way over 1,000.

The reality is Star Trek fans
devote more time,
energy, and finance

to their object of affection
than any other group
of people in the world.
