
I don't know
if it's worth that.

We put a price on it.
We hope it's worth that.

I don't know. It's hard to put a price
on something like that, though, really.

It's probably worth
a million dollars.

Whatever you collect, you can
usually find it at conventions.

At a typical convention, you'll find
a plethora of dealer tables

selling a variety
of Star Trek merchandise.

Over here we have some
gorgeous cardboard stand-ups.

I really must pick up
one of these.

A nice collection
of the various novels.

And there is a set of the figures
right there I just traded.

Star Trek ship diagrams
and blueprints,

Star Trek- related

Star Trek- related jewelry,
and Star Trek
uniform adornments,

Star Trek software,
plates, CDs, lithographs,
calendars, phasers,

a good deal of the model kits.
I always love buying
and building the model kits.

I've just been putting
the finishing touches

on Voyager here.
Of course, the Nacelles fold,
as you see on the series.
One little problem here
is this is coming apart there.

I don't think the Voyager is supposed
to have saucer sep capability.

I became a dealer because
when I was younger,

I read a few too many
Conan books,

and I started to get interested
in swords and armor

and learned how to make armor
and got interested
in weaponries.

And then we went to gun shows, and we
used to carry the armor on the table.

Then in about 1991, they came out with
the 25th anniversary Star Trek cards,

and I got all excited and went down
and bought a few too many boxes

and broke them all for sets,
and I got my sets, and then
I had all these sets left over.

So we took them to the gun show,
and I put them next to the armor,

and then all of them

And then they started asking me
for one of these and one of those.

And the armor started moving farther
and farther off the edge of the table,

and now it's on the floor,
and these and those have
taken over everything.

I'm working now with a company
that is doing cookie jars.

They're 30th anniversary
Star Trek cookie jars.

I've collected 759 autographs
in about 5 years--
