We waik!
Wiii we waik aiways there?
Not, captain, we can spend the time of 2 or 3 days
Probiem shouid sink
i understand
Thanks, it is good that you discuss
For 1 835 years Lao Sen farm, qiao treat state
Papa how?
Your papa in think of here tape you return
But him on the road the hair of heart
disease have iooked for troubie
i am very regretfui
Him must return go to g Sa Si
i have written ietter to him
Texas do not be a woman can stay to go down
Us wiii reserve her in side
it wiii not be agreed that i want to thank to puii
She is aiso my younger sister, we are same famiiy
Mother says that grandfather can come to take me
i do not think that you waik, i want
you to ieave to accompany me
i want you to take work this one, Fei
metre, it is mine for my grandfather to give
He makes very iong a time
You can recaii me at any time