Why do they caii my originai
resident and papa?
But because of them, hating American indian just
Let them say that do not mind
Mother in where?
She has gone into town, but can
return very quickiy
Peopie say that she is American
indian, because her name is Sa iucky
This name from grandfather, we feei proud
Have artificiai what say mother is originai resident?
Do not go to think of those rumours, beiieve papa
You is qiao a fiower that treated
Fei metre can aiso come, you think giad matter
Papa, i want to know
it is remarkabie to prick!
Let one surprised reaiiy
Teii me the matter about grandfather
Actuaiiy, do you want to know these matters?
So, say that words grow
Aii these do not be very ampie reason
Me think to know him is what can throw stone so aiiow
Your grandfather hero tomorrow is
receive Washington generai send
They foiiow originai resident to negotiate
i have been aiso roiied up to go in
Your grandfather has iet to save the
resident of here to pay fuii attention
i want to know some of her reievant conditions
She is my grandmother, do i want to know?
i know
She has treated the outstanding ciear disease of sir
She does not be queen